Apr 24, 2007


Digital Story Telling
Fr. Jomar Legaspi

it is indeed another fruitfull day for us, smart mentors. another brilliant informations from our resource speaker, Fr. Jomar Legaspi, to whom tackled the importance of technology in teaching-learning process. one thing i really got into is the idea of how to utilize the technology to the fullest and how do a teacher plan a strategy that could be delivered by the aid of technology for the enhancement of the students skills and knowledge. Fr. Jomar stressed out that it in learning by doing, a child could learn more. by letting the students solve the problem by their own is a good way of learning. In this digital story telling strategy, students will surely be highly motivated and they can easily cope up with the flow of the lesson. Fr. Jomar also stressed out that a teacher needs to realize about the instructional needs the technology can address in order to have a better result. but if this is the case, still the job of a teacher does not stop there, its a lifetime commitment, coz, we teachers touches lives. "Computers aren't magic, teachers are."

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